The patient terms of use and privacy policy

When patients sign up on the platform they are presented with a window asking them to review and accept the platform's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. These are legal documents and can sometimes prompt questions from clients as to what they contain. This guide provides a plain language summary of the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, so that you can properly answer your patients' questions.

Terms of Use

While this summary is not exhaustive, here are some of the key provisions in the Terms of Use that patients should be aware of: 

  1. No Health Care Services Provided – Greenspace does not provide health care services, mental health services or social or psychotherapy services, or any other professional services. Greenspace is simply a technology service provider.
  2. Treatment Providers - Treatment Providers are not employees or agents of Greenspace and Greenspace does not have any oversight of the care provided to you by Treatment Providers.
  3. Medical Advice - While the Platform may provide access to certain general medical information, it should not be considered medical advice or a substitute for individual medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment
  4. Legal Age - To create an account, patients must be of legal age to form a binding contract.
  5. Risks of Storing Online – Although Greenspace takes extensive security measures and precautions to encrypt and protect patients' personal information, patients consent to the inherent material risks associated with the electronic uploading, transmission and storage of your personal information.
  6. Privacy Policy and Use of Information - By registering on the Platform, patients agree that Greenspace may collect, use, and disclose their Personal Information as set forth in the Patient Privacy Policy
  7. Closing Your Account – You may terminate your account at any time and for any reason by providing written notice to Greenspace.

Privacy Policy

While this summary is not exhaustive, here are some of the key provisions in the Patient Privacy Policy that patients should be aware of: 

  1. Purpose - The purpose of this Patient Privacy Policy is to set out the manner in which Greenspace collects, uses, discloses and otherwise manages individuals' personal information. 
  2. How Greenspace collects and uses personal information - There a few different ways that Greenspace collects and uses patients' information, in order to operate the platform:
    1. Creating an account
    2. Delivering assessments to patients
    3. Completing personalized assessments
    4. Interacting with patients on request
  3. Sharing personal information - Greenspace doesn't disclose, trade, rent, sell or otherwise transfer patients' personal information, without consent. However, there are certain situations where Greenspace engages certain necessary service providers (to help deliver the platform) that are subject to contractual agreements that include appropriate privacy standards. 
  4. Safeguards - We have implemented reasonable administrative, technical and physical measures in an effort to safeguard the personal information in our custody and control to protect against theft, loss and unauthorized access, use, modification and disclosure. We restrict access to  personal information on a need-to-know basis to employees and authorized service providers who require access to fulfil their job requirements.
  5. Access to Personal Information - Patients have the right to access, update and correct inaccuracies in their personal information in our custody.

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