Completing assessments by 'This Device'

Whether or not a patient has created their own account, you can always complete assessments with your patient using your computer or tablet. This will present the selected assessment(s) on your device's screen to be completed by or on behalf of the client. This method is referred to as 'This Device' on the platform.

  • The first step is to navigate to the patient's Manage tab, and select Complete Now next to one of the assigned assessments.

  • After selecting the desired assessment(s) to be completed, select This Device as the Completion Method.

  • Choose whether or not you want to be signed out of your account when completing the assessment.
    • If this box is not selected, you will not be signed out of your account.
    • If this box is selected, you will be signed out of your account.
    • Click here, for more information about automatic sign out when completing assessments.
  • Once you press Submit, the selected assessments will appear on your device's screen for completion. 

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