How to add an event note

Event notes can be used to provide more context to the assessment scores presented on the Results display. Event notes are overlayed on top of each results graph and can also be viewed by patients. Common uses include noting medication changes, significant life events or other relevant items to contextualize a patient’s results.

Creating event notes

There are two ways to create event notes:

  1. From the Note Summary view
  2. Directly from the Results display

From the Note Summary view

Step 1: Select Create Note

Step 2: Select Event Note from the drop-down menu and enter the relevant text.

Select + Event Note and a window will open for you to enter the content of the Event note.

Viewing event notes

  • Each blue dot along the x-axis of the results graph represents an event note.
  • If you hover over a blue dot, a pop-up bubble will display the content of the relevant event note. 

You can also view the Results display without event notes by de-selecting Show Event Notes

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