Completing Assessments by Automated Delivery

For patients that create their own account, you can automatically deliver assessments to them by email or text message (depending on what the patient chooses when they sign up). This means assessments can be completed independently by the patient outside of session time. This article outlines how to set up and configure automated assessment delivery.

Selecting the assessment delivery settings

The first step is to select Edit to open the edit assessment delivery window. Here you can adjust the frequency and delivery limit of the assessment. 


The frequency of an assessment determines how often the assessment will be delivered to the patient. The frequency of an assessment can be changed at any time. The frequency options are:

  • 1 Week
  • 2 Weeks
  • 4 Weeks
  • 6 Weeks
  • 8 Weeks


The limit of an assessment is how many times you would have the assessment delivered to your patient. By default, assessments have No limit. When an assessment has reached its delivery limit, the assessment frequency is set to manual and no more deliveries will be sent. The limit options are:

  • No Limit
  • One
  • Two
  • Three
  • Four
  • Five
  • Six

Once a frequency and limit have been selected, the assessment(s) will be automatically sent to patients according to the assessment delivery schedule. To see when an assessment is next scheduled to be delivered, look at the Next Delivery column in the Assessments card.

Delivery schedule options

There are two types of delivery schedules available:

  1. Standard Delivery - Assessments are delivered to patients on a predetermined weekly schedule designed to increase compliance and participation. Click here for more details.
  2. Custom Delivery - This delivery method allows you to specify the exact day and time that a patient will regularly receive their assessments. This allows you to customize the time each patient receives their assessments based on each patient's appointment times or personal preferences. Click here for more details.

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