Creating note templates

Create note templates to better standardize creating notes across your organization. You can create templates for treatment plans, medical history, disclaimer information, or any other commonly used note types and provide all therapists and admins within your clinic a common set of templates to use on the Greenspace platform. This article will walkthrough how to create, modify, and use Note Templates. Please note that creating or modifying note templates are only available for admins with the Manage Note Templates permission. All admins and therapists within a clinic can use previously created templates when creating notes.

Creating note templates

Step 1: Select Clinic Settings under your name in the top right corner and click on the Note Templates tab.

Step 2: Select +Create Note Template to create a new template. 

Step 3: Enter the title and content for the template, and select Save. Once saved, the note template will automatically be shared with therapists and admins within the clinic for them to use when creating notes. 

Editing and deleting note templates

The list of created note templates will appear in the Note Templates tab. Select the ellipses at the right hand side of each note template. 

  • To edit a template, select Edit. Once you have made your changes and saved the template, the new version will automatically be shared with your clinic. 
  • To delete a template, select Delete. Once the template has been deleted, it will be removed as a template to use for all therapists and admins. 

Using note templates

Once templates have been created, the templates can be accessed directly when creating a new patient note.

Step 1: Under any patient profile, select the Notes tab > + Create Notes.

Step 2: Select the type of progress note you would like to create from the drop-down menu. 

Step 3: Select the note template you would like to use for this note from the Note Templates drop-down menu. The template selected will auto-populate into the note editor, where you can then add on any additional details as needed.

Step 4: Save your note! The note created with the selected template will appear in the Notes Summary view. 


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