Stacked Clinic Accounts
Stacked Clinic Accounts provide a structure for organizations with multiple programs using Greenspace to be able to have a better view of the data and settings across an entire organization. They can share characteristics such as patient profile fields, reminders, and tags that remain the same across clinics, but also the ability to customize information and inputs at a clinic level.
Sub-clinics can be set up under a top line organization to represent individual programs, locations, or areas of focus. Each sub-clinic will operate as an individual clinic with the same permissions.
Within each sub clinic, settings are similar to a standalone clinic, where Patients, Therapist and Admins have access to only that sub clinic.
The Organization aggregates data from all Sub-clinic to give organization-level Admins a view of their whole organization and data trends. Additionally, the Organization level typically contains no client level data.
When you are enabled with an Organization account, you will see a new Clinic tab available to you.
If you have Stacked Accounts enabled, at the organization level, you will now be able to Filter by Clinics. This is useful to view at a glance how many patients/clients are at each clinic, and manage providers accordingly.
If you require a patient to be transferred from one clinic to another, please contact for assistance and provide the patient ID and the new clinic the client is attending.