Personalizing your patient invite email

When sending the patient invite to your patients (which will prompt them create a Greenspace account), there are a few best practices to keep in mind:

Explaining progress measurement

It is a good idea to explain progress measurement to patients before you send the patient invite. This will ensure that patients understand why they are receiving the invitation, which will dramatically increase patient responsiveness and engagement. For more information on how to introduce progress measurement can be found here.

Customize your invitation content

It is a good idea to personalize the email to improve patient engagement with the email when they receive it. Here’s how you can customize your invite template:

Step 1: Click on your name on the top-right portion of the header and then select Settings > Preferences

Step 2: Under Preferences, scroll down Patient Invites section and select Edit for either the Adult or Child email invitation.
  • You can create a unique invitation for both Adult or Child patients invited to join Greenspace.

Step 3: Modify the patient invite template to include your name in the From name section and personalize the language in the Subject and Message sections. Click Save once you're done. 

  • Selecting Preview as you edit the invitation text will open up a preview of what the email invite will look like for patients in a pop up box.

Carefully consider your messaging

Some of the information you might want to customize in order to give your invitation a more personal feel might be:

  • Your name and designation, as well as the name of your practice/clinic
  • Relevant branding (i.e. link to website)
  • A personalized email signature

It is also important to remember that this email serves as an opportunity to communicate your approach to progress measurement. Accordingly, consider including:

  • A brief explanation of how you use progress measurement in your practice.
  • The benefits of progress measurement.
  • What the patient can expect (I.e. completing brief questionnaires at predetermined intervals)

Ideally, if you explain all of this information to your patients when first introducing progress measurement, the invitation will simply service as a friendly reminder.

Be clear about your timing expectations

Finally, it might be a good idea to include a deadline for completion of the account setup (i.e. before your next scheduled session) in order to clearly set expectations and increase the likelihood that patients complete the process in a timely manner.

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