Patient onboarding troubleshooting

Once you click  Create Patient on the Add Patient page, the patient will receive an account invitation that will guide them through the onboarding process. The patient will click on the Get Started button in their invitation, complete their Patient Profile, and can then start completing their assessments.

However, there are times when you may need to help the patient troubleshoot. This article highlights solutions for some of the most common onboarding issues your patients may run into.

How to tell if a patient has created their account

If you've sent the patient an invite but they haven't created their account yet, they will have the  Account Pending tag assigned. If the patient has accepted the invite, they will have the Account Complete tag assigned.

The patient hasn't received the account invitation

If the patient hasn't received their account invitation, try the following solutions:

  1. Resend their account invitation.
  2. Provide the patient with the Activation Link.
  3. Have the patient add Greenspace to their inbox's safe senders list.

Resend their account invitation

Navigate to the Account Invite tab and select Re-Send Invite. If the email address listed is incorrect, select Cancel Invite and re-enter the correct email address.

Provide the patient with the Activation Link.

Copy and send the Activation Link (see image above) to the patient. When the patient clicks on this link it will prompt them to create their account, which will be associated with the file you have already created for them.

Have the patient add Greenspace to their inbox's safe senders list.

If after resending the account invitation, the patient still hasn't received it, it likely means that the invitation went to their spam folder. Have them follow these steps:

Step 1: Check the junk or spam folder. If a message from Greenspace is there, click the “it’s not spam” button link within the message.

Step 2: Add as a Contact

Step 3: Add to the Safe Senders list.  

  • In Hotmail: Go to Settings > Select View all Outlook Settings > Select Junk email > Scroll down to Safe senders and domains > Add: as a Safe Sender.

The patient can't access their account

When patients complete the onboarding process, they setup their password and security question. If they forget their password, click  Forgot your password and the following will happen:

  1. A password reset email will be sent to their email account.
  2. They will be prompted to answer their security question.
  3. They will enter a new password.

In some cases, patients may also forget the answer to their security question. If they do, they won't be able to reset their password independently and should contact Support for assistance.

The patient can't complete their assessments  

If the patient is having trouble accessing and completing their assessments, this could be for two reasons:

  • The assessment isn't currently available, because it hasn't been delivered yet or it has expired. When assessments are automatically delivered by the platform, they are available to be completed for four days.
    • You can re-send any assessments (which make them available to the patient to complete), by going to their Manage tab and clicking Complete Now next to the assessment you want them to complete.

  • The patient opens an available assessment, but it isn't loading in their internet browser. Greenspace supports use through modern internet browsers, so they will need to make sure they are using the latest version of Firefox, Safari, or Chrome. 

The patient is experiencing technical issues

If a patient is having trouble getting started, please ask them to contact Support and we can help them solve their issues via email, screenshare, or phone. We're always happy to help!

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