Automating Assessments Using Tags

Clinics can automate the assignment of assessments to patients by associating certain assessments with tags that have been created. When a tag with automation is assigned to a patient (new or existing), the group of assessments (and set frequencies) subject to the tag's automation will automatically be assigned to the patient.

This can be helpful in a number of different ways, including ensuring that all patients at certain locations or in certain programs receive the correct assessments at the desired frequencies. At larger organizations, this type of quality control can help ensure that assessments are standardized across populations. 

Setting up the automation

In your Settings, navigate to Advanced and then select Edit next to your tags. Next to the tag, you would like to add automation to, select Automation.

A pop-up window will appear that allows you to select the assessments and frequencies you would like to be associated with the tag. There is no limit on the number of permutations of assessments that can be selected. Once selected, press Confirm.

How the automation works

Once the automation has been set up, any time that tag is added to a patient, the selected assessments will also be automatically assigned to the patient.

For New Patients

When adding a new patient to the platform, you can select the tag(s) to be assigned to the patient. Tags with automation are clearly identified and when selected will add the assessments and pre-determined frequencies for the patient.

For Existing Patients

Automated tags can also be assigned to patients after a patient has been created. This can be done anywhere tags can be added, including the Manage tab and the Patient List.

Frequently asked questions

If I add automation to an existing tag, will that affect patients who currently have that tag assigned to them?

No. The assessments assigned to a patient that already has the tag assigned to them will not change as a result of adding automation to that tag. 

If the tag were removed from the patient then re-added, the assessments associated with the tag would be applied.

Can I change automation after it has been added to a tag?

Yes. You can modify the assessments and/or frequencies associated with a tag at any time. This will not affect any patients who were previously assigned the tag.

Who can create an automation for a tag?

The Clinic owner and any Admin who has been granted the Modify Tags permission. Therapists that are part of a Clinic don't have the ability to modify the tag automation.

What if there is a conflict between the assessments associated with a tag and the assessments already assigned to a patient?

Assigning the tag to the patient will result in only the non-conflicting assessments being added. When selecting the tag, the tag selection tool will show the provider a preview of which assessments will be added for the patient. In cases where some assessments have already been added, the preview will only show the additional assessments that will be added.

What happens if I select two tags with automation?

You can select multiple tags with automation at the same time. If there are conflicting frequencies for the same assessment (which has been added as automation to two or more tags), the conflicted assessment will be added with the shortest competing duration. The tag selection tool will show the provider a preview of which assessments will be added for the patient.

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