Introduction to progress notes

Progress notes allow therapists and admins to record information about patients and securely store it within each patient's profile. There are six different types of notes available:

  • Session Notes
  • Event Notes
  • Contact Notes
  • Supervision Notes
  • Documents
  • Treatment Summary

Who can create progress notes?

Only therapists and admins can create progress notes. Patients don't have the ability to create or log their own notes.

Progress notes created by therapists

Progress notes created by therapists are visible to admins so long as the admin has been granted the appropriate permissions. Therapists that are associated with your clinic do not have the ability to "hide" notes from admins.

Progress notes created by admins

Admins have the same functionality when creating progress notes for patients, except they have the ability to specify whether the note will be visible to associated therapists:

  1. Clinic Only - Only admins will be able to see these notes.
  2. Therapists - Admins and any associated therapists will be able to see these notes.

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