Therapists Overview Dashboard

The Therapists Overview Dashboard provides an overview of all therapist activity within the organization's account. This dashboard was designed to provide insight around therapist participation and engagement with measurement-based care.

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  • Therapists - The total number of therapist registered with the Greenspace platform.
  • Therapists by Milestone - The total number of therapists within each milestone. Milestones are categorized as account created, patient assigned, and patient with completed assessments.
  • Therapists with Patients Completing Assessments - The number of therapists who have patients filling out an assessment for each of the last 12 months. This chart highlights how many therapists have been actively working with patients who complete assessments the trend over time.
  • Therapists by Last Sign-In Time - A breakdown of therapists by last Sign-In date based on a range of less than 30 days, between 31 - 60 days, between 61 - 90 days, and over 90 days. of therapists by how many days ago they signed into Greenspace when their patient completes an assessment in the last 30 days. This chart displays how engaged therapists have been with measurement-based care.
  • Therapists by Patients Completing Assessments (Last 90 Days) - The breakdown of therapists by how many patients have been completing assessments. This serves as an indicator for “active” caseloads per therapist. Only patients completing assessments in the last 90 days are included.
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  • Average Patients Per Therapist - The averages of cumulative patients assigned to a therapist, as well as patients assigned who completed an assessment in the last 30 days. This may serve as an indicator of historical and recent caseloads per therapist.
  • Average Patients Completing Assessments Per Therapist - The average patients assigned per therapist who completed an assessment. This chart highlights how many caseloads are “active” for each therapist and how it trends over time.
  • Average Assessments Completed Per Therapist - The average number of assessments completed by patients completed for each therapist. This metric provides an indicator of the average activity per therapist.
  • Average Assessments Completed Per Therapist by Month - The number of assessment completed for each therapist per month. This chart highlights the average activity seen per therapist and how it trends over time.
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  • At the bottom of the dashboard, a data table is displayed showing therapists.
  • This table is limited to 500 rows and may not include all therapists. To request a larger report extract, please reach out to

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