Notes Dashboard

Efficient notes management is crucial for any clinic or organization, ensuring that all patient interactions and treatments are meticulously documented using Greenspace’s Notes feature.

At Greenspace, notes can be used to track qualitative information around patient treatment, such as:

This article delves into the various aspects of the new Notes Dashboard, which helps your team to manage notes effectively across your organization as well as gain insights around treatment trends based on note information.

To enable this dashboard, please reach out to or your Customer Success Manager.


Dashboard Sections


  • Notes - The total number of notes within the clinic or organization. This metric excludes deleted notes.
  • Patients with Notes - The total number of patients who have at least one note associated with their records.
  • Note Signature Status - The percentage of notes based on their signature status. This is illustrated with a pie chart showing the distribution of signed versus unsigned notes. To learn more about note signatures, see this article on how to sign a progress note.

  • All Notes - A comprehensive list of all notes sorted by the most recent entries. This list is limited to 500 entries for on-screen viewing but can be fully accessed by downloading the report.

  • Notes by Week - This section tracks the number of notes created and the number of patients who received notes on a weekly basis. The default view covers the last six months, but it can be adjusted using the Note Date filter to explore different time periods.

  • Note Types - This metric categorizes notes by their type, providing a clear overview of the different note templates used within the clinic. Understanding the distribution of note types can help in assessing which templates are most utilized and may require more frequent updates or reviews.

Note Question Response

These tiles display responses to specific note questions, such as Duration or Method. By default, the Duration question is selected, but you can adjust the filter to view responses to different questions. This section is immensely useful to understanding the trends and summary of specific note fields that your clinicians have been filling out.

  • Question Responses Breakdown - The first tile above is a pie chart showing the percentage breakdown of responses for the selected note question. In this case, you can see that the information displayed in the tile refers to the Duration of the session (the default note question selected). We see that the most common session duration is around 15, 30 or 45 minutes.
  • Question Response Trends Over Time - The second tile above is a line chart displaying how responses to the selected note question have varied over time. This can help identify trends in responses to the note question itself. In this case, we can see that sessions with a 15 minute duration have been growing rapidly.

As mentioned, the default filter is Duration. However, you can select other Note Questions in the filter above. The image below is an example of what happens when the Note Question was changed from Duration to Method, which refers to the method of treatment delivery. This filter is available for any note question.

Tracking Note Authors and Patients

  • Notes by Provider - This visualization breaks down the number of notes authored by each administrator or clinician (providers). This data is crucial for understanding the workload distribution among staff members and identifying potential bottlenecks.

  • Notes by Patient - Notes are categorized by patient, highlighting how many notes each patient has. This is useful for monitoring patient engagement and ensuring that patient records are comprehensive and up-to-date. Similar to the "All Notes" section, this list is limited to 500 rows but can be fully downloaded for a complete review.

Dashboard Filters

The flexibility in managing notes is further enhanced by several filters:

  • Clinic - You may filter notes by the clinic in which the patient belongs to. If patients are shared across clinics, so will their notes.
  • Note Type - Clinics can define their own note templates in addition to the standard Greenspace note types. This filter allows users to view notes by their specific types, making it easier to locate and analyze relevant notes.
  • Note Date - This filter is vital for time-specific queries, enabling users to configure date ranges and focus on notes from particular periods. This can aid in tracking patient progress over time or analyzing the clinic's activity during specific intervals. By default, the entire dashboard is configured to the last 6 months, but this can be easily changed.
  • Note Provider - Filtering by note owner helps in assessing the contributions of individual therapists or admins. This can be particularly useful for performance reviews and managing staff responsibilities.
  • Note Shared with Patient - This filter allows you to select only notes that have been shared with patient (or vice versa). See this article to learn more about sharing notes with patients.
  • Note Question - As described above, this filter is a specific field or question within various note types. The default filter is Duration that comes from the Session Note Type. However, you may be able to select other Note Questions.
  • Note Visibility - This filter allows you to select only notes that are private or shared with other clinic administrators. By default, both options are selected.
  • Patients - This filter allows users to view notes associated with specific patients. It is an essential tool for patient management, enabling focused reviews of patient records and ensuring comprehensive documentation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the Notes Dashboard?

The Notes Dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of all clinical notes, enabling clinicians and administrators to track documentation, assess note types, monitor note ownership, and ensure accurate patient records.

What if my organization does not currently use notes? How can I learn more about this feature?

If your organization does not currently use notes, you can learn more about this feature through the following resources:

If your organization is currently using notes, this dashboard is suitable for you and will provide valuable insights into your notes management process.

What types of notes are included in the dashboard?

The dashboard includes all note types used by your organization, including standard Greenspace note types and any custom note templates created by your clinic or organization. See the various Types of Progress Notes.

Can I customize the dashboard?

No, unfortunately we are not able to customize this dashboard. However, the Notes Dashboard is highly configurable. You can customize the dashboard using various filters such as Note Type, Note Date, Note Question, and Note Visibility. This allows you to tailor the view to meet your specific needs and focus on relevant data.

I would like to download all my organization’s notes with detailed information on Note Question Responses. Is this possible?

Yes, Greenspace will be able to send you a comprehensive notes export in csv format. Please request this by reaching out to or your Customer Success Manager.

How can I give feedback on the Notes Dashboard?

We value your feedback on the Notes Dashboard. Please fill out this short survey to convey your feedback to Greenspace’s Product Team.

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